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- Permits Required | Jubilee Venture
Potrebne dozvole Za sva putovanja na brodu našeg uskog čamca, Učitelj mora biti član Saveza izviđača ili vodiča djevojaka i posjedovati trenutnu dozvolu Avanturističkih aktivnosti (uski brod) Saveza izviđača ili ekvivalent djevojke vodiča. Napominjemo da vlastita dozvola Kraljevske jahtne udruge (RYA) nije dovoljna. Tijekom zimskih mjeseci trenutno nudimo obuke i ocjenjivanje za dozvolu Avanturističkih aktivnosti (uski brod) Saveza izviđača. Molimo vas da saznate više o izvođenju aktivnosti uskog čamca sa svojom izviđačkom grupom Kliknite ovdje ili za više informacija o dozvoli za uski brod pogledajte: Vodič za usko plovljenje (FS120655) . Također nudimo obuku i ocjenjivanje za shemu uskih brodova Girlguiding. Molimo vas da saznate više o shemi suženja s djevojkama Kliknite ovdje. Naše obuke za dozvole izviđača i vodiča uskog čamca obično se izvode u listopadu/studenom i ponovno u veljači/ožujku kada se naš uski čamac ne koristi. Obuka je za vođe izviđača okruga Wakefield trenutno besplatna, a za sve ostale vođe 40 funti. Ako želite dobiti ili obnoviti dozvolu za uski brod, pošaljite zahtjev našem timu za obuku koristeći: Obrazac zahtjeva za obuku . Za grupe s mladim ljudima koji prenoće na našim uskim brodovima, vođa mora posjedovati i dopuštenje Scout Association Nights Away (NA) ili ekvivalent djevojke za vođenje. Molimo da saznate više o dozvoli izviđačkih noći Kliknite ovdje ili za više informacija o dozvoli izviđačkih noći, pogledajte: Vodič za Shemu dozvola za noćne odsutnosti (FS120800). Book Your Training Dozvola za noć For groups with young people staying overnight on-board our narrowboats, a leader must also hold the Scout Association Nights Away (NA) Permit or Girl Guiding Equivalent. To find out more about the Scout nights away permit please Click Here or for more infomation on the Scout nights away permit please see the: Nights Away Permit Scheme (FS120800) guide.
- Day Routes | Jubilee Venture
Day Routes Dewsbury 13 milja i 12 brava 7 sati krstarenja uključujući povratno putovanje. Putujte uzvodno i nakon što ste prošli Broadcut nastavite uz kanal prema mostu Horbury gdje se nalazi lik od tri brave koje su unatoč imenu zapravo samo dvije brave. Odavde nastavite prema gore prolazeći kroz drugu bravu prije kratkog dolaska na raskrižje Dewsbury. Ili skrenite ovdje ili se spustite dolje u bazen Saville i okrenite se tamo ako vrijeme dopušta. S dugim dijelom kanala i nekoliko ručnih brava ovo je idealno putovanje za one koji žele naučiti upravljati čamcem i upravljati bravama. Figure of 3 Locks Savile Town Basin Dewsbury Castleford Castleford 15 milja i 8 brava 7 1/2 sata krstarenja uključujući povratno putovanje. Krenite nizvodno pored trajekta Stanley i njegovih akvadukata prije nego stignete do brave Birkwood, koja je, kao i sve ostale brave na ovom kanalu, električna brava kojom se upravlja pritiskom na gumb. Nakon što ste prošli ovuda, nastavite dalje prolazeći predgrađe Altofta i kroz još dvije električne brave. Odavde se kanal ponovno spaja s rijekom za posljednji dio do Castleforda. Po dolasku na raskrižje Castleford možete se okrenuti na rijeci ili otići u bazen gdje je puna blokada objekata i dovoljno prostora za privez kako biste mogli pojesti zalogaj ako vrijeme dopušta. Idealan izlet za mlađe skupine poput dabrova i mladunaca jer pruža priliku naučiti kako brave funkcioniraju bez potrebe za ručnim otvaranjem vrata i zasuna itd. Altofts Castleford Cut
- Data Protection Policy | Jubilee Venture
Politika zaštite podataka Introduction The Scout Association’s commitment to protecting privacy and data forms a key policy for Scouting. This policy underpins both this Data Protection Policy and other associated policies used by The Scout Association, local Scouting and its membership. It is important to note that as Data Controllers, local Scout Groups, Districts, Counties/Areas/Regions and Countries are directly responsible for any personal data they process and must therefore ensure that they are aware of their responsibilities under the law. 1. Purpose of this Data Protection policy and what it covers This policy sets out The Scout Association’s approach to protecting personal data and explains your rights in relation to how we may process personal data. We provide more detail in respect of how we process and protect your data below, particularly in section 5. This policy applies to each local Scout Unit when processing personal data in addition to or independent from The Scout Association itself. The Scout Association (“We” in this document) [is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office at] the following address: Gilwell Park, Chingford, London E4 7QW. If you have any queries about anything set out in this policy or about your own rights, please write to the Data Protection Officer (Black Penny Consulting) at the above address or via email at . We may from time to time make minor changes to this policy. We will notify you directly when we make any substantial or significant changes to the policy. 2. Some Important Definitions ‘We’ means The Scout Association ‘ICO’ is the Information Commissioner’s Office, the body responsible for enforcing data protection legislation within the UK and the regulatory authority for the purposes of the GDPR ‘Local Scouting’ and ‘Scout unit’ mean Scout Groups, Districts, Counties, Areas (Wales), Regions (Scotland) or Countries. ‘Personal Data’ is defined in section 3 ‘Processing’ means all aspects of handling personal data, for example collecting, recording, keeping, storing, sharing, archiving, deleting and destroying it. ‘Data Controller’ means anyone (a person, people, public authority, agency or any other body) which, on its own or with others, decides the purposes and methods of processing personal data. We are a data controller insofar as we process personal data in the ways described in this policy. ‘Data processor’ means anyone who processes personal data under the data controller’s instructions, for example a service provider. We act as a data processor in certain circumstances. ‘Subject Access Request’ is a request for personal data that an organisation may hold about an individual. This request can be extended to include the deletion, rectification and restriction of processing. ‘Compass’ Compass is The Scouts Association’s membership system. Local Scouting must comply with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the GDPR when using Compass, The Scout Association’s Membership System. 3. What is personal data? Personal data means any information about an identified or identifiable person. For example, an individual’s home address, personal (home and mobile) phone numbers and email addresses, occupation, and so on can all be defined as personal data. Some categories of personal data are recognised as being particularly sensitive (“special category data”). These include data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, genetic and biometric information, and data concerning a person’s sex life or sexual orientation. 4. How does data protection apply to local Scouting? Data protection legislation applies to all data controllers regardless of whether they are charities or small organisations. It applies to local Scouting in the same way as it does to other organisations. Scout units are created and run as independent charities and insofar as they collect and store personal data about members and young people, for example, they are data controllers and must adhere to the law. There are scenarios of joint controllership of personal data between The Scout Association and local Scouting, this is regarding the data held within Compass and specifically for the activities below: Maintenance of local Scouting’s primary records, such as name, address and leadership details of the local Group, District, County, Area(Wales), Region (Scotland) or Country Local Scouting roles, such as creation, management and deletion of role and any reasons for leaving local Scouting. This includes ID checking Direct messaging in the platform Training updates and Personal Learning Plan Each Scout unit will have its own data protection policy and it is expected to state that it adheres to this policy. In case of any doubt or questions you are advised to contact the Scout unit directly or to write to our Data Protection Officer (Black Penny Consulting) at the above address who may be able to help. 5. What type of personal data do we collect and why? 5.1 Members and volunteers We benefit from the service of a large number of members giving their time to Scouting at both UKHQ and local Scouting levels. We hold personal data (including special category data) about members and volunteers on our membership database. We believe it is important to be open and transparent about how we will use your personal data. Information we hold about you may include the following: name and contact details length and periods of service (and absence from service) details of training you receive details of your experience, qualifications, occupation, skills and any awards you have received details of Scouting events and activities you have taken part in details of next of kin age/date of birth details of any health conditions details of disclosure checks any complaints we have received about the member details about your role(s) in Scouting details about your membership status race or ethnic background and native languages religion nationality We need this information to communicate with you and to carry out any necessary checks to make sure that you can work with young people. We also have a responsibility to keep information about you, both during your membership and afterwards (due to our safeguarding responsibilities and also to help us if you leave or re-join). Much of this information is collected from the member joining forms 5.2 Trustees and members of the governance structure For the members of The Scout Association’s Board of Trustees and its subcommittees, other committees and working groups, we may hold the type of information as set out in 5.1 and also including the following: CVs Related party information 5.3 Donors We benefit from donations from members of the public who support our work, and we hold personal data about these donors so that we can process donations, and tell donors about our work and campaigns and how they can support us further. We may hold the type of information as set out in 5.1. 5.4 Customers and visitors We also hold personal data from customers and visitors to our Scout Shops, conference and activity centres. We may hold the type of information as set out in 5.1 and also including the following: purchase history taxpayer and payment details Much of this information is taken from online registration forms. 5.5 Employees (past, present and future) As an employer, we need to keep information relating to each member of staff and contractors who has a contract with us. This will include the pre-employment stage, references, and records relating to the time they worked for us including probationary, appraisal and disciplinary information. We also hold information that allows us to pay salaries and work with other payroll and pension providers. Information we may hold about staff includes the following: name and contact details length and periods of service (and absence from service) details of training you receive details of your experience, qualifications, occupation, skills details of next of kin age/date of birth details of any health conditions details of disclosure checks if applicable details of any dependents information that allows us to pay salaries and work with other payroll and pension providers references, and records relating to the time they worked for TSA, probationary, appraisal and disciplinary information. Much of this information will be taken from the job application form. 5.6 CCTV Our UK Headquarters operates a CCTV network to help prevent and detect crime and safeguard (protect) young people and others. If we can identify somebody from a CCTV image, the image must be processed as personal data. 6. Conditions for collecting personal data 6.1 Keeping to the law We must keep to the law when processing personal data. To achieve this, we have to meet at least one of the following conditions: Consent - you have to give (or have given) your permission for us to use your information for one or more specific purposes Performance of a contract - we need to process the information to meet the terms of any contract you have entered into (for example when we process personal data as part of a volunteers membership application or to provide goods or services purchased with us) Legal obligation - processing the information is necessary to keep to our legal obligations as data controller Vital interests - processing the information is necessary to protect your vital interests Public task - processing the information is necessary for tasks in the public interest or for us as the data controller to carry out our responsibilities processing the information is necessary for our legitimate interests (see below examples) Lawful basis Data processing examples Consent · Sending marketing information not deemed part of legitimate interest · The use of photography captured by UKHQ · Managing TSA HQ grant applications and provisions · Accessing personal data on OSM. TSA will become an independent data controller of the youth member data that they access on OSM, as they will determine what they do with that data, for example adding the data to internal safeguarding case management systems. This will only happen after consent has been given by the Scout Group Executive Committee via OSM and the access will only ever include data that is necessary to fulfil this purpose Performance of a contract · Volunteers membership application · Supply of goods or services purchased Legal obligation · Responding to information requests from statutory authorities · Disclosure and Barring Service referral · Insurance underwriting referrals Vital interests · Medical history disclosure to a medical professional to protect the vital interests of the data subject Public task · The Scout Association use other more appropriate lawful basis for processing personal data Legitimate interest · Photography at UKHQ organised events where consent is not appropriate (could include the publishing of the photography in TSA media channels including printed format) · The passing of personal data to local Scout Groups as part of the ‘Find a local group’ service online. · Displaying the contact details of local leaders as part of the ‘Find a local group’ service online · Nominations for top awards (Meritorious & Gallantry, Silver Acorn, Silver Wolf) including citations · Informational/operational communications directly to volunteers · The use of membership data for the recruitment of HQ roles · The passing of volunteer and young person data to TSA’s outside legal counsel in defence of cases Also, information must be: processed fairly and lawfully collected for specified, clear and legitimate purposes adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date kept for no longer than is necessary processed securely 6.2 Information that we share We may have to share your personal data within appropriate levels of the Association and with local Scouting, as long as this is necessary and directly related to your role within Scouting. TSA may share personal data with its partners, companies and organisations and individuals who help us to fund, organise and operate events, projects, programmes and other activities. Our legal basis for doing this is to pursue our legitimate interest of being able to work collaboratively with other organisations to operate and administer the event, project, programme or activity. Some of these organisations may process information in countries outside the EEA, such as the United States, where data protection laws are not the same as in the EEA. TSA will always ensure any transfer is subject to appropriate security measures to safeguard your personal data. Where transfers are necessary to countries where data protection has not yet been declared to be adequate, we rely on appropriate safeguards, as defined in the GDPR for these transfers. Full details of these organisations, confirmation of where they would process personal information, and details of the steps TSA have taken to safeguard personal data will be provided to data subjects at the time any personal data is collected. TSA may also share your information within the TSA group of companies, for the purposes of managing the particular events, projects, programmes, or other activities. TSA currently provides all support and services for its subsidiary companies, therefore, our legal basis for sharing information is to pursue the legitimate interests of shared resources and management reporting between the companies within the group. We do not share personal data with companies, organisations and people outside the Association, unless one of the following applies; We have a clear lawful basis to do so. If we have to supply information to others (for example payroll providers) for processing on our behalf. We do this if we are asked and to make sure that they are keeping to the GDPR and have appropriate confidentiality and security measures in place. For safeguarding young people or for other legal reasons. A list of the most common third parties we share personal data with can be found below: 3rd Party Data Category Purpose Advanced Personal and Special Management and maintenance of the membership platform Pacific Solutions Personal and Special Management and maintenance of the Safeguarding Archive OLM Systems Personal and Special Management and maintenance of the Safeguarding, Safety and Vetting platform Atlantic Data Ltd Personal and Special Disclosure management services Mole Valley Personal and Special Out of hours helpdesk Axiell Calm Ltd. Personal Heritage Archive Collection Management System Rockford - SysGroup Personal and Special Data Centre Hosting Survey Gizmo Personal Surveys and application forms Black Penny Consulting Personal and Special Data Protection Officer Services SmartSheet Personal and Special Surveys and application forms Access NI Personal and Special Criminal records checks (NI) Disclosure and Barring Service Personal and Special Criminal records checks (England and Wales) Disclosure Scotland Personal and Special Criminal records checks (Scotland) Live Agent Personal Info Centre service desk CJSM Personal and Special Secure email service (Criminal Justice) Egress Personal and Special Secure email service (general) Dotmailer Personal Outbound emailer Cinolla Personal and Special Scout Adventures and Venues commercial platform Raisers Edge Personal Fundraising platform LADO Personal and Special Local Authority Designated Officer information requests/transfers Statutory authorities Personal and Special statutory information requests/transfers Police Personal and Special Police information requests OneTrust Personal Management of Subject Access Requests Kennedy’s Law Personal and Special The provision of legal services Online Youth Manager (OYM) providers of Online Scout Manager (OSM) Personal and Special Inform OYM of Scout members whose accounts require temporary or permanent suspension. Through the OSM platform, TSA will gain access to personal data of youth members and their parents/guardians as part of safeguarding case management. This will be via the consent of the Scout groups who control this data. Charity Checkout Personal Payment gateway for all online fundraising transactions Microsoft Personal and Special Provision of TSA core data repositories such as: Teams, SharePoint and Exchange Aventri Personal and Special TSA events management software for all major events 360 Resourcing Personal and Special Applicant Tracking System used as part of acquiring TSA staff Crowe U.K. LLP Personal To provide financial accounting audits of TSA and its subsidiaries 7. Keeping personal data secure Everyone who handles personal data (including staff, members, volunteers, payroll and pension providers) must make sure it is held securely to protect against unlawful or unauthorised processing and accidental loss or damage. We take appropriate steps to make sure we keep all personal data secure, and we make all of our staff aware of these steps, including keeping to our internal information and computing technology (ICT) policy. In most cases, personal data must be stored in appropriate systems and encrypted when taken off-site. The following is general guidance for everyone working within Scouting, including staff, members and volunteers in local Scouting. You must only store personal data on networks, drives or files that are password protected and regularly backed up. You should have proper entry-control systems in place, and you should report any stranger seen in entry-controlled areas. You should keep paper records containing personal data secure. If you need to move paper records, you should do this strictly in line with data protection rules and procedures. You should not download personal data to mobile devices such as laptops and USB sticks unless necessary. Access to this information must be password protected and the information should be deleted immediately after use. You must keep all personal data secure when travelling. Personal data relating to members and volunteers should usually only be stored on the membership database or other specific databases which have appropriate security in place. When sending larger amounts of personal data by post, you should use registered mail or a courier. Memory sticks should be encrypted. When sending personal data by email this must be appropriately authenticated and password protected. Do not send financial or sensitive information by email unless it is encrypted. You should not share your passwords with anyone. Different rights of access should be allocated to users depending on their need to access personal or confidential information. You should not have access to personal or confidential information unless you need it to carry out your role. Before sharing personal data with other people or organisations, you must ensure that they are GDPR compliant. In the event that you detect or suspect a data breach, you should follow your defined breach response process. All staff undertake regular training to ensure that they are aware of the above rules 8. Responsibilities We expect our staff, managers, trustees, volunteers, members and any providers we use (for example payroll or pension providers) to keep to the guidelines as set out in our Data Policy and under ICO and GDPR guidance when they are using or processing personal data and other confidential or sensitive information. This is set out more clearly below. 8. 1 Board of Trustees Our Board of Trustees has overall responsibility for the Association and for making sure that we keep to legal requirements, including data protection legislation. Our CEO and senior leadership team are responsible for making sure we keep to these requirements across UKHQ. 8.2 Data protection officer (DPO) or equivalent role holder TSA has externally appointed a DPO to ensure the organisation is monitoring compliance with GDPR and other Data Protection laws, our data protection policies, awareness- raising, training, and audits. Local Scouting Units should consider appointing their own DPO. The data protection officer is responsible for: making sure that this data protection policy is up to date advising you on data protection issues dealing with complaints about how we use personal and sensitive personal data reporting to the ICO if we do not keep to any regulations or legislation 8.3 Staff All staff have a responsibility to keep to the requirements of this data protection policy and our related procedures and processes. Managers are responsible for making sure that staff within their teams are aware of and keep to this. If you become aware of a data protection issue you must report it promptly to the data protection officer or equivalent role holder. If you do not adhere to this data protection policy and its associated policies and procedures, we may take disciplinary action against you. 8.4 Volunteers, members and local Scouting We expect you to keep to data protection legislation and this data protection policy, and to follow the relevant rules set out in our Policy, Organisation and Rules (POR). The local Executive Committee (trustees of local Groups, Districts, Areas, Counties, Countries and so on) has overall responsibility for keeping to data protection regulations. As part of your data protection duties, you should report urgently (to your local manager or the Executive Committee) any instance where the rules on how we handle personal data are broken (or might be broken). 9. Data Retention We may keep information for different periods of time for different purposes as required by law or best practice. Individual departments include these time periods in their processes. We make sure we store this in line with our Data Retention Policy . As far as membership information is concerned, to make sure of continuity (for example if you leave and then re-join) and to carry out our legal responsibilities relating to safeguarding young people, we keep your membership information throughout your membership and after it ends, and we make sure we store it securely. Only those staff who need membership information to carry out their role have access to that information. 10. Rights to accessing and updating personal data Under data protection law, individuals have a number of rights in relation to their personal data. (a) The right to information: As a data controller, we must give you a certain amount of information about how we collect and process information about you. This information needs to be concise, transparent, understandable and accessible. (b) The right of subject access: If you want a copy of the personal data we hold about you, you have the right to make a subject access request (SAR) and get a copy of that information within 30 days. (c) The right to rectification: You have the right to ask us, as data controller, to correct mistakes in the personal data we hold about you. (d) The right to erasure (right to be forgotten): You can ask us to delete your personal data if it is no longer needed for its original purpose, or if you have given us permission to process it and you withdraw that permission (or where there is no other lawful basis for processing it). (e) The right to restrict processing: In certain circumstances where, for lawful or legitimate purposes we cannot delete your relevant personal information or if you do not want us to delete it, we can continue to store it for restricted purposes. This is an absolute right unless we have a lawful purpose to have it that overwrites your rights. (f) The obligation to notify relevant third parties: If we have shared information with other people or organisations, and you then ask us to do either (c), (d) or (e) above, as data controller we must tell the other person or organisation (unless this is impossible or involves effort that is out of proportion to the matter). (g) The right to data portability: This allows you to transfer your personal data from one data controller to another. (h) The right to object: You have a right to object to us processing your personal data for certain reasons, as well as the right to object to processing carried out for profiling or direct marketing. (i) The right to not be evaluated on the basis of automatic processing: You have the right not to be affected by decisions based only on automated processing which may significantly affect you. (j) The right to bring class actions: You have the right to be collectively represented by not-for-profit organisations. 11. Subject access requests You are entitled to ask us, in writing, for a copy of the personal data we hold about you. This is known as a subject access request (SAR). In line with legislation, we will not charge a fee for this information and will respond to your request within one calendar month. This is unless this is not possible or deemed excessive, in which case we will contact you within the month of making the SAR to state the reason for the extension and/or the charging of an appropriate fee. Our members or anyone else we hold personal data about can also ask for information from local Scouting. The relevant Scout unit, as data controller in their own right, must answer these requests. UKHQ is not legally responsible for these local SARs but we advise Scout units to respond to them in line with the law (that is, within the specified one calendar month time frame). 12. Further information and contacts Data protection officer contact details Subject access requests Subject access requests for data held by The Scout Association UKHQ should be made to our UKHQ legal department at or by writing to: The Scout Association Legal Services Gilwell Park Chingford London E4 7QW. Please note, subject access requests for data held by Local Scouting should be made directly to the relevant Scout unit as each Scout unit operates as a separate charity and each is a Data Controller in its own right. In situations where you feel The Scout Association has not handled your personal data query/complaint appropriately you have the right to inform the Information Commissioners Office. Contact the Information Commissioner’s Office
- Jubilee Venture | Jubilee Venture
Jubilarni pothvat Jubilee Venture is currently unavailable for hire until further notice. See news page for further information. Jubilee Venture je naš uski čamac za krstarenje krstarom od 47 stopa (14 metara) koji ima veliki vanjski prostor za sjedenje sprijeda i mali vanjski prostor za sjedenje straga. Brod je nedavno podvrgnut potpunom preuređenju interijera, uključujući ugradnju: Victron pretvarača koji osigurava napajanje od 240 V, LED osvjetljenje u cijelom dijelu, utičnice od 12 V i radio s više zvučnika. Brod pokreće brodski dizelski motor Beta 43 konjskih snaga koji se također koristi za opskrbu toplom vodom i zagrijavanje radijatora za novopostavljeni sustav centralnog grijanja. Na brodu se nalazi 15 prsluka za spašavanje, sva bitna oprema za čamac, uključujući vjetrobranske naočale, ruke, prsten za spašavanje, igle za privez, udicu za brod, stup i dasku te dovoljno dizela, plina i vode za vaše putovanje. Cijeli popis plovila možete preuzeti ovdje ili iz Važna informacija stranica. Brod može prevoziti do 15 osoba uključujući posadu za dnevnu/večernju uporabu i do 11 osoba za noćnu upotrebu. Unutar broda sa stražnje strane nalazi se prostor za sjedenje koji se može preurediti u krevete na kat kako bi se osiguralo mjesto za spavanje odrasle osobe za najviše 3 odrasle osobe. U sredini se nalazi kupaonica s kasetnim kemijskim WC -om i umivaonikom. Pokraj kupaonice nalazi se kuhinja opremljena potpuno integriranom plinskom pločom s 4 prstena s roštiljem i pećnicom. Tu su i sudoper, hladnjak s odjeljkom za zamrzavanje te brojni ormarići/ladice s raznim posudama, priborom za kuhanje, posuđem za najmanje 15 osoba, osnovnom opremom za čišćenje i spremištem za hranu/piće. Sprijeda se nalazi veliko unutarnje sjedalo s pretincima za odlaganje ispod. Prostor se također može preurediti u krevete na kat kako bi se osiguralo mjesto za spavanje do 8 mladih ljudi. Na brodu se nalaze zavjese i pregrade za privatnost za svaki krevet.
- Afternoon/Evening Routes | Jubilee Venture
Afternoon/Evening Routes Stanley Ferry Stanley Ferry 6 milja i 2 brave 3 sata krstarenja uključujući povratno putovanje . Napuštajući središte grada Wakefielda krenite nizvodno kroz Fall Ing -ovu bravu na Air & Calder Navigation. Nastavite uz rijeku, prolazeći pored ulaza u bivši kanal Barnsley koji se zatvorio 1953. Ubrzo zatim napustite rijeku kako biste stigli do Stanley Ferryja gdje postoje dva akvadukta jedan do drugoga, a preko oba možete putovati i krstareći s jedne strane a zatim se okrećući putuju preko druge. Akvadukti se koriste za prenošenje jednog vodenog tijela preko drugog, a ovdje se koriste za nošenje kanala preko rijeke Calder. Na Stanley Ferry -u po potrebi postoji i pristup bloku objekata koji ima toalete i tuševe. Laka i vrlo ugodna ruta koja prolazi kroz urbane i ruralne krajolike. Ramsden's Swing Bridge Stanley Ferry Aqueducts at Stanley Ferry Broadcut Broadcut (Navigation Inn) 4 milje i 4 brave 3 sata krstarenja uključujući povratno putovanje. Krenite uzvodno od centra grada Wakefielda, a nakon kratkog krstarenja krenite kroz Thornes bravu, a zatim se ponovno pridružite rijeci malo dalje. Nastavite uz rijeku i nakon što prođete ispod M1 napustite rijeku nedugo zatim i krenite kroz donju bravu Broadcut. Nakon što ste prošli usidrene brodove, postoji prostor za sidrenje ispred Navigation Inna. Na vrhu Broadcut ceste nalazi se prodavaonica ribe i čipsa Kingfisher ako želite zalogaj i vodena točka neposredno iznad donje brave Broadcut ako je potrebno. Laka ruta i ugodna ruta putujući rijekom i kanalom kroz ugodnu mješavinu krajolika. Broadcut Broadcut
- 2021 Gallery | Jubilee Venture
2021 Gallery
- Cookie Policy | Jubilee Venture
Politika kolačića Korištenje kolačića od strane The Scout Association Kolačići su male tekstualne datoteke koje web stranice koje posjećujete stavljaju na vaše računalo. Oni se naširoko koriste kako bi web stranice radile ili radile učinkovitije, kao i za pružanje informacija vlasnicima web mjesta. Postavke kolačića Većina web preglednika dopušta određenu kontrolu nad većinom kolačića putem postavki preglednika. Da biste saznali više o kolačićima, uključujući kako vidjeti koji su kolačići postavljeni te kako njima upravljati i brisati ih, posjetite web stranicu all about cookies . Kako biste isključili praćenje usluge Google Analytics na svim web stranicama posjetite sljedeću web stranicu. YouTube kolačići Ugrađujemo videozapise sa svog službenog YouTube kanala pomoću YouTubeovog načina poboljšane privatnosti. Ovaj način rada može postaviti kolačiće na vaše računalo nakon što kliknete na YouTube video player, ali YouTube neće pohranjivati podatke o kolačićima s osobnom identifikacijom za reprodukciju ugrađenih videozapisa pomoću načina poboljšane privatnosti. Za više informacija posjetite YouTube stranica s informacijama o ugrađenim videozapisima. Zakon o zaštiti podataka Dodatne informacije o zakonima o zaštiti podataka možete dobiti posjetom web stranici Povjerenika za informacije. Kontaktiranje Ako nas želite kontaktirati kako bismo postavili bilo kakva pitanja o ovoj izjavi o privatnosti ili o općim pitanjima koja se odnose na, možete nas kontaktirati putem ove adrese e -pošte : Molimo vas da koristite ovu adresu ako želite zatražiti od nas kopiju osobnih podataka koje imamo o vama. Imajte na umu da prema engleskom zakonu imamo pravo naplatiti vam naknadu za pružanje ove usluge. Google Analytics Posjetitelji ove web stranice koji imaju omogućen javascript prate se pomoću Google Analytics . Google Analytics prikuplja sljedeće vrste podataka od korisnika: Vrsta korisničkog agenta (web preglednik), proizvodnja softvera i broj verzije. Vrsta operacijskog sustava Boje zaslona (mogućnost obrade boja zaslona korisnika) Javascript podrška Flash verzija Razlučivost zaslona Mrežna lokacija i IP adresa Može uključivati državu, grad, državu, regiju, županiju ili bilo koje druge geografske podatke. Naziv hosta Propusnost (brzina internetske veze) Vrijeme posjete Posjećene stranice Vrijeme provedeno na svakoj stranici web stranice Referentna statistika web mjesta Web stranica (URI) koju je korisnik posjetio kako bi došao na ovu web stranicu (primjer: klik na hipervezu s koja je korisnika odvela na ovu web stranicu) Korišteni upit tražilice (primjer: upisivanje fraze u tražilicu poput Googlea i klik na vezu te tražilice) Ti se podaci koriste samo za optimizaciju naše web stranice za naše posjetitelje. Ovi podaci NE uključuju nikakve personalizirane identifikacijske podatke kao što su: Imena Brojevi telefona Email adrese Adrese pošte Brojevi bankovnih računa Podaci o kreditnoj kartici Možeš pročitajte Politiku zaštite izviđača okruga Wakefield. Također, da biste stupili u kontakt sa Udrugom izviđača u vezi sa zahtjevom za pristup subjektu (SAR), pošaljite e -poruku
- JV II | Jubilee Venture
JV-II is our newest addition to the fleet. It is named after our original boat, Jubilee Venture, which started Wakefield Scouts' journey into narrow boating in 1978. JV II is a multi-use boat primarily dedicated to training. Choose the options below for more information. JV-II Scout Young Masters RYA & NCBA Training Scout Family Trips
- Angus Ferguson Build Gallery | Jubilee Venture
Angus Ferguson Build Gallery
- Scouting Venture | Jubilee Venture
Izviđački pothvat Scouting Venture je uski čamac sa krmarstva dužine 52 metra (16 metara) s velikim vanjskim prostorom za sjedenje straga, malim vanjskim prostorom za sjedenje sprijeda i dvije klizne ploče u sredini. Brod pokreće novi Beta 43 Horsepower Marine Diesel motor koji se također koristi za centralno grijanje u čitavom čamcu i toplu tekuću vodu u kupaonici i kuhinji. Brod je također opremljen: radiom s više zvučnika, LED rasvjetom u cijelom dijelu, utičnicama od 12 V i Victron pretvaračem/punjačem za napajanje od 240 V. Na brodu se nalazi 15 prsluka za spašavanje, sva bitna oprema za čamac, uključujući vjetrobranske naočale, ruke, prsten za spašavanje, igle za privez, udicu za brod, stup i dasku te dovoljno dizela, plina i vode za vaše putovanje. Cijeli popis plovila možete preuzeti ovdje ili iz Važna informacija stranica. Brod može prevoziti do 15 osoba uključujući posadu za dnevnu/večernju uporabu i do 12 osoba za noćnu upotrebu. Unutar broda sa stražnje strane nalazi se kupaonica s kasetnim kemijskim WC -om i umivaonikom. Širina kupaonice također omogućuje da se ovo područje pretvori u svlačionicu. Pokraj kupaonice nalazi se kuhinja koja je opremljena potpuno integriranom plinskom pločom s 5 prstenova s roštiljem i pećnicom te hladnjakom s pregradom za zamrzavanje. Na brodu se nalaze i posude različitih veličina i pribor za kuhanje, zajedno s posuđem za najmanje 15 osoba i osnovnom opremom za čišćenje. Sprijeda se nalazi veliki prostor za sjedenje sa stolovima za do 12 osoba koji također omogućuje da se ovaj prostor koristi kao blagovaonica. Sjedenje se može konfigurirati za korištenje preko noći kako bi se dobilo 12 kreveta: 8 kreveta za mlade i 4 kreveta za odrasle. Na brodu se nalaze zavjese i pregrade za privatnost za svaki krevet, a prostor je podijeljen na spavaći prostor za mlade ljude i prostor za spavanje za odrasle koji se nalazi na prednjoj strani broda.
- Bookings & Calendar | Jubilee Venture
Bookings & Calendar Wakefield Scout Canal Boats has recently moved to a new online booking system. Click the button below and If it is your first time using the system head to 'register in the main menu. View Important Information Click Here to book Cijene najma 2021 Hire Duration Scouting Venture (Wakefield Groups) Scouting Venture (Other Groups) Angus Ferguson (Wakefield Groups) Angus Ferguson (Other Groups) Day £111 £140 £116 £147 Part Day Morning, Afternoon or Evening £76 £91 £79 £95 Day With Night £149 £184 £155 £192 Saturday & Sunday £261 £318 £274 £332 Weekend (Friday Evening - Sunday Evening) £298 £368 £310 £384 Week (eg Saturday am to Saturday am) £746 £915 £780 £957 Click Here to book Ako motor radi duže od 10 sati dnevno tijekom razdoblja najma, bit će naplaćeno 5 funti po satu. U trenutku rezervacije potreban je depozit od: 25 GBP za rezervacije do 99,99 GBP, 50 GBP za rezervacije od 100 do 199,99 GBP, 100 GBP za rezervacije od 200 GBP do 399,99 GBP i 150 GBP za rezervacije veće od 400 GBP. Polog se ne može vratiti nakon potvrde rezervacije. Ostatak se mora platiti 2 tjedna prije početka najma. Ako motor radi duže od 10 sati dnevno tijekom razdoblja najma, bit će naplaćeno 5 funti po satu. U trenutku rezervacije potreban je depozit od: 25 GBP za rezervacije do 99,99 GBP, 50 GBP za rezervacije od 100 do 199,99 GBP, 100 GBP za rezervacije od 200 GBP do 399,99 GBP i 150 GBP za rezervacije veće od 400 GBP. Polog se ne može vratiti nakon potvrde rezervacije. Ostatak se mora platiti 2 tjedna prije početka najma. Click Here to book